Current projects implemented by AIC
Erasmus+ projects
QUATRA – TPG A project “Qualifications Frameworks for trust, transparency and diversity – TPG A” (2022-2025)
ARAQUA project “Road to Automatic Recognition of Higher Education Access Qualifications” (2022-2024)
OCTRA 2 project “Online course catalogues and databases for transparency and recognition 2” (2022-2024)
DIGI-AR project “Digital Tools for Implementation of Automatic Recognition” (2023-2025)
Past projects implemented by AIC
OCTRA project “Online course catalogues and databases for transparency and recognition” (2020-2022)
QUATREC 2 project “Comparing qualifications for reliable recognition 2” (2020-2022)
SeARcH ENGINE project “Strengthening Educational and AwaReness Campaign in Automatic Recognition for Higher Education Institutions – Engage-Inform-Implement” (2020-2022)
RoadMap project “Road Map for Implementation of Institutional Assessment” (2020-2022)
DEQAR CONNECT project “Enhancing the Coverage and Connectivity of QA in the EHEA through DEQAR” (2020-2022)
EUniQ project “Developing a European Approach for Comprehensive QA of (European) University Networks” (2019-2021)
QUATREC project “Comparing qualifications for reliable recognition” (2018-2020)
ACEPT project “Allocating Credit to European Professional Training Programmes” (2018-2020)
Q-ENTRY project “International Database on Higher Education Entry Qualifications” (2018-2020)
DASCHE project “Development, assessment and validation of social competences in higher education” (2017-2020)
TWINNING AZE project “Support in strengthening the higher education system in Azerbaijan” (2018-2020)“”
TWINNING BiH project “Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education” (2018-2019)
ESF project “Support for meeting the requirements set for EQAR agency” (2016-2019)
IMPACT project “Quality and Impact of the Recognition Networks”
ISOBAQ project “Information System on pre-Bologna Academic Qualifications”
LIREQA project “Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance”
EU-MTR project “Enhancing the use of mobility tools for recognition”
AURBELL project “Automatic Recognition between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania”
STREAM project “Streamlining Institutional Recognition: a Training Platform for Admissions Officers”
QFs-UHSE project “The use or potential use of qualifications frameworks as a tool of mobility by HEIs and other stakeholders”