Erasmus+ Programme, KA2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices project “Development, assessment and validation of social competences in higher education – DASCHE”
Project No: 2017-1-PL01-KA203-038419
Project implementation period: September 2017 – July 2020
Aim: To support learning policy between countries and higher education institutions (HEI) in development, assessment and validation of learning outcomes relevant for social competences in all HEI activities.
Project objectives:
- Detailed analysis of forming the social competences by HEIs adopted in different countries including: social competences inclusion into the HE qualifications, teaching/learning methods, responsibilities of HEIs and other institutions, standards and criteria of external and internal quality assurance, current state of debate on the issue.
- Based on the analysis models and methodologies of introducing and assessing social competences in the formal HE qualifications will be identified, further developed and included into the DASCHE recommendations.
- Elaboration of the methodology.
- Proposal and development of country reports.
- Proposal of models of developing, assessing and validating social competences in higher education.
- Dissemination of the results (web sites, multiplier events, video lectures, newsletters, articles representing results in specialised press and scientific journals).
Project partners:
- Warsaw School of Economics (coordinator) – Poland
- The Institute Technology and Education of the University of Bremen – Germany
- Academic Information Centre – Latvia
- Centre for Higher Education Studies – Czech Republic
- Durham University – United Kingdom
- Twente University – Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) – Netherlands
DASCHE project website: http://dasche.eu
Project results:
- Country report on Development, assessment and validation of social competences in higher education in Latvia (country reports prepared by other project partners are available here)